Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity
This study provides insight into the response of Northern based small-scale, voluntary development organisations to the COVID-19 crisis and sheds light on the impact of the crisis on these organisations. The study took place among Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS) and their support organisations in Belgium (with a focus on Flanders), Denmark, France and the Netherlands.20 The 541 CIGS that participated in this study, represent over 7,500 volunteers, more than 500 paid staff and a total annual budget of nearly 30 million euro. Together they are active in 104 different countries across the globe where they support over 885 ...
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Halvering donaties huishoudens aan kleinschalige ontwikkelingsorganisaties
Hoe staat het ervoor met donaties van Nederlandse huishoudens in algemene zin en aan ontwikkelingssamenwerking in het bijzonder? Op basis van het onderzoek Geven in Nederland 2020 zet deze factsheet de belangrijkste feiten op een rij. In 2018 doneerde 8 van de 10 Nederlandse huishoudens aan goede doelen.Samen doneerden ze 2,4 miljard euro aan geld of goederen. Dat is een toenamevan ongeveer 10% ten opzichte van de vorige meting in 2015. Huishoudens gevenhet vaakst aan goede doelen gericht op kerk en levensbeschouwing (31%),gevolgd door gezondheid (20%) en internationale hulp en nationale acties (16%) Lees hier het hele artikel ...
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Factsheet COVID19 citizen response in The Netherlands
Based on their long term research on small-scale voluntary development organisations, Sara Kinsbergen and Lau Schulpen wrote a brief factsheet, for citizens initiating COVID 19 aid initiatives within their own community. Factsheet COVID19 Also available in Dutch and French ...
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Second European Conference on Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity

Join us at the Second European Conference on Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity ...
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Lecture ‘Universiteit van Nederland’

In this 15 minutes (Dutch) lecture, Sara Kinsbergen questions if you can make a big difference with your own aid organisation ...
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